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A big win! Let's end DV.

An amazing result! "As of this week, all 227 recommendations from Victoria’s Royal Commission into Family Violence have been implemented. Respect Victoria was established as part of the recommendations, and we’re proud to lead and support the prevention of violence against women and family violence.

The Commission brought together the voices and expertise of victim-survivors, service providers and experts from prevention to recovery. It was critical in guiding significant reforms to the system and in galvanising public conversation about this issue being everyone's business.

Violence against women is preventable, if we change the culture that allows it to happen. That’s why it’s essential that we hold onto the momentum of the Royal Commission and continue to prioritise prevention


Changing the attitudes and behaviours that drive violence is not a short-term game. It requires long-term, sustainable funding and prioritisation from governments, as well as buy-in from all of us; in our homes, schools, workplaces, sports clubs, and communities.

We need to get better at reaching men and boys as part of this change, and embedding large-scale efforts across the state that will change the culture that allows violence to happen.

Three women have been murdered in acts of family violence so far in 2023, and it’s only the end of January. It doesn’t have to be this way.

The Royal Commission has played an essential role in shining a spotlight on this issue, and it’s now up to all of us – governments, communities, industries, and individuals – to work together to prevent violence against women." RESPECT Victoria


Friends Talking Outside
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